Shipping / Handling
Aspen Rustic Inc. endeavors to offer a high level of customer service and attention to detail.
In stock items are usually shipped from our Colorado location within 48 hours of processing your order. Some products will be shipped direct from the manufacturers workshop and may take additional time. Custom products may range from 4 weeks to 4 months to arrive . This timeframe will factor in the item’s customization and artist’s availability and will be noted on the product information page (Please contact us at if delivery time is not noted).
We only charge at our actual cost of the shipment and its packaging/insurance
We prefer to ship most items via FedEx
Some large or heavy items cost more to ship; additional freight charges will be noted in parentheses following the item’s price on the product detail page. These items are delivered via common carrier as a curbside delivery service and will be the responsibility of the customer to bring into the residence. Carrier will make contact to confirm date and time prior to delivery attempt.
We can also offer a ‘white glove’ in home delivery service, including placement and set-up as well as crating and packing material removal. The additional fees for this option are quoted on an individual basis and can be obtained from customer service at
If express shipping is desired, customer service is happy to assist in finding the best possible shipping service for you. Please contact us at